Sunday, March 3, 2019

We Create Opportunites

Though I am nowhere near financially ready to become a homeowner, I often think as I pass certain houses on my daily commute, "That one. That house is just so cute, and it looks like it has almost all of the features I want. I want that house." And, Presto! That house is suddenly on the market with a big, bold sign out in front, as if the house itself was flagging me down each day. "Hey! Look! I'm available just as you wished!" A few days or weeks later (rarely months), the familiar, red SOLD banner would be plastered across the original sign, and the house becomes the home to another family. Sometimes I would be frustrated that I was not the one lucky enough to be able to snatch it up right away. Though, most times, these missed opportunities that I feel sure I made for myself with the kind and gentle assistance of the Universal Powers That Be have been boosts in my determination. "Next time, a space will be ready for me. I will be ready for that space."
The world today is tough for a woman earning minimum wage at full time with only one job. All of my energy work has yet to yield a miraculous lottery win that will afford me my perfect home, paid in full and fully furnished as I see fit. It would have to be miraculous, you see; I don't play the lottery. However, too many people buy into "The Secret" that simply putting words into the Energy will manifest what you need with no further input required. Those of us in the know can tell you that this is not entirely true. Leonardo DaVinci's wise words in Ever After are constantly at the back of my mind. "You cannot leave everything to Fate. […] Sometimes you must give Her a hand!"

So, while I would just love to wish and sit back and wait for the magic to happen, that is not realistic. We make our own opportunities. Some do not see this as energy work, but merely as adulting and moving through life, doing what you must to get what you want. For me, though, it is different. I see such striking correlations between what I ask of the Universe and what is laid before me that I feel my energy work is the catalyst that opens these chances to me and my life. The information is entered into the database, creating a basic map, and the Universal printer pops out that same map with landmarks to make my journey easier to navigate. Her hints, tips, and tricks are made readily available to me simply because I asked, but I still have to take the steps and reach the checkpoints.
Recently, an apartment I have been wondering about (fairly regularly for at least a year) has become a possibility for my new home within the next month. It is a little out of my price range. Some nearby, part time jobs have recently come available within walking distance of said apartment (and it is within walking distance of my full time job!) Minimum wage in Massachusetts went up this January. Further, I have a few weeks with which I can apply, begin, train, and earn supplemental income at a part time job so I can be ready and able to take up residence at this wonderful opportunity made by me in collaboration with The Universe and Her kind, helpful Energy.
We create our own opportunities. It's up to us whether or not we take advantage of them when they manifest.

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