Thursday, November 5, 2009

Can the week be over, now?

Has anyone else realized a major, Universe/mood shift? All of the animals are acting weird, I've been flighty all week and things just haven't been falling the way they usually do. I'm now half-stuffy, half-breathing. This has turned me into a mouth-breather. Great. While I try to find some of my herbal teas to put some of this to rest (along with a healthy dose of ibuprofen), please enjoy today's birthday info.
Oh, yeah! And have a Happy Birthday, or, rather, what is left of it! I hope it was all that you made of it!

November 5
Sardius (for "unusual insights into [your] heart")
Flower: Mimosa (you're too sensitive to criticism)
Astral Color: Black (protection, birth, beginnings)
Color Need: Red (energy, stamina)
Apparel Color: Tan (balance, energy)
Fragrance: Cinnabar or Mediterranean/Orient (passion, unpredictability)
Tree: Apple (creativity, joy, magic, bringer of happiness)
Instrument: Viola, trumpet
Composer: Liszt
Bird: Flamingo ("careful of enemy", caretaker, peacemaker)
Symbol: Triangle ("You have the right combination of abilities.")
Health Scent: Peach ("This may balance your good qualities to equal your charm.")
Favorable Foods: Asparagus, barley, beef, cranberries, pressed cheese
Lucky #: 2, 4
Best Month: January, July
Best Weekday: Tuesday
Best Month Day: 4, 5, 23
Lucky Charm: "A rabbit's foot or white candle." (It does not specify color of said foot. However, I suggest the candle instead, as a sever limb from any creature hardly seems lucky!)
Compatible Signs: Cancer, Pisces

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